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On the 20th of august i went to harry potter studios and i really enjoyed it. i found out how they made the films and discovered many things i never knew before about JK Rowling. out of the four hogwarts houses ( griffindor, hufflepuff, ravencalw and slitherin) i was in ravenclaw. I got to try on all the robes and rode on a broomstick. i saw many animations and and how they made them. I also tried some butterbeer that was really nice :) I recommend this place to everyone for it is amazing. It took 2 and a half hours to get to london but it was worth it. as soon as we got in we saw a gaint dragon scupture was haging in the middle of the room.

My laptop got orange juice in it so i needed to fix it. it was very difficult and took IMG 20180128 142645a few days but in the end

it was working again. I used isopan c to clear out the orange juice then let it dry. i also washed the whole keyboard in the ultra sonic cleaner. i had to repair the corrosion on the main board.

Every year i go to a beach in Dunster.  The weather is usually always nice and the chalets are amazing. This year i was in chalet 102 where i had an excellent view of the sea. across the road was a shop where you could buy swets, drinks, food or snowglobes. in the forest at the end of the beach there are homemode swings and a river leading to sea. theres also a large lake thats filled with ducks and geese that you can feed all year round.